I’ve been @ the edge
And I’ve gone over
To grasp my darkest fantasies
They call me crazy nuts
But crazy is splendid!
Their sanity hinders them
What a pity
I’ll keep goin’ over edges
I am crazy therefore I live…

Huh? I doubt This Can Be Titled

I was just on my bed lying on my back, preparing to post another of my life issues when something, a light bulb practically glowed over my head the way it kinda does happen in Tom & Jerry.

Just furious keyboarding, and a little bit of rational thinking (if I should call it that), I ended up with this:

I’ve been on #Myspace longer than I can #FacemyBook, even now my #Tweets aches. Pls. Don’t call the doctor. Truth is I hate been #StumbleUpon or #Tumblr around like some common specimen on a #OpenTable. So let’s pray for a miracle or just get #Linkedin to #Skype. Wait for an angel to send down an #Hotmail cure not #Pintrest[ed] to some #4shared #Recipes. If not I might end up on #Instagram with a rotten pic, with everyone wondering #@diceyjones, has he sold his mind on #eBay?!
Let alone some crazy #deviantArt wanna be #Wikipedia guru announces from his rainbow #eHow eWhat #Google that I had a franchise with some #Hulu in the depths of the #amazon.
#Yelp! that may complicate things. But who bets #Poker without having the stakes. Flick, flick, #Flickr. The point of been a #Blogger is if on your restless creative soul words do press or simpler said #Wordpress.

HappyNewMonthEveryone 🙂

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